About Me.
Hi, I’m Angela! I get professional book covers into the hands of self-published romance authors.

I started out designing book covers for women’s fiction, meandered into thrillers and chick lit, and finally found my home in romance. It’s a fantastic genre to work in – fun, interesting, varied, and constantly evolving. Even better, it’s brought me some truly wonderful clients who make the creative process a joy.
About my Design Approach
Visuals matter. Catching the eye of busy readers is crucial. So when I sit down at my computer each day, with a mug of tea beside me (English Breakfast, in case you were wondering), that’s what I drill into my head! Authors want to sell more books. My job, therefore, is to tempt as many readers as possible.
For the most part, that means sticking to strong design principles, being aware of genre conventions, and taking advantage of current trends. Sometimes I’ll push the envelope and offer unique, wildcard covers that go out of their way to grab attention. Providing a wide range of quality covers is a constant challenge, made more difficult by the shifting demands of the market.
When designing premades, I focus on two things:
- Grabbing attention from that very first thumbnail
- Following up with high attention to detail (so the cover looks even better when viewed in all its high-res glory!)
How To Get Involved
If you have any suggested improvements for my website, from user experience to the FAQs, please let me know! Also, while I offer a wide range of sub-genres, from steamy to sweet, I’m always keen to address new and under-serviced areas for premade romance covers. If you have any requests, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me here, or connect via social media. I’m on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
Finally, I share information and tips about book cover design and creation in the Resources section of my website. Topics will be listed under the categories of Book Cover Design, Book Cover Marketing, and Book Cover Creation (for more technical information).
I have plenty of new stuff coming, and will be updating these articles regularly, so check back every now and then. Or you can just sign up to my newsletter, and I’ll let know know when I’ve written something useful.
Thanks for reading, happy writing, and hope to see you around!
x Angela